Life Among the Weeds

Life Among the Weeds
So this past week, I feel like I was living through parts of this parable. I was at Local Pastor School from Sunday after church until after dinner on Tuesday. Needless to say, Iwas playing catch up all week, and Friday, after running some errands on my day off, I returned home with a pretty bad migraine. So finalizing my sermon that evening was not going to Haden. By Saturday morning, I was feeling almost 100%, and so I worked some then, did a visit, and ran a couple other errands. When I finally sat down, as my practice is, I went to open my computer to do one final read and edit, only to find one of those dreaded messages and screens of death. A frantic trip to the Apple Store at the Greene, only confirmed my deepest fear, my hard drive was fried! And my sermon lost. Talk about living among some weeds, thing that get in the way of our kingdom work.
I was able to recreate my message, and I am happy to share it with you here.
Pastor Lori
The Scripture is: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 (I did not record it this week, sorry)
Life Among the Weeds.


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